“Animals Upstream” is a four part video series presented by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay and supported by the United States Forest Service. The series showcases the unique and charismatic wildlife that lives upstream in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The goal was to use the campaign to increase overall awareness and interest for the conservation and preservation of wild areas and species that call the watershed home.

Animals upstream inspired an entire audience growth campaign for the alliance including a wildlife landing page on the website, a series of strategic email newsletters, and a video ad campaign.

The results

The wildlife landing page has officially become the Alliance’s most successful and landing page in it’s more than 50 year history.

The video and its associated content has pushed the Alliance YouTube channel over the 1K mark.

The content is still generating views from individuals outside of the organization’s awareness leading to a consistent flow of new potential donors and volunteers

Check out the landing page and learn more about wildlife in the chesapeake watershed

there’s plenty more where that came from…

check out some of social media case studies.