In 2023, Eric created the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s impact video. The video showcases the powerful conservation efforts of the Alliance. Since 1971, they’ve brought together communities, companies, and conservationists to improve the lands and waters of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. We were able to connect with all four of our program teams to elevate four specific projects in 2023 that show how they improve our home watershed through agriculture, forests, green infrastructure, and stewardship & engagement.
The impact video played in person at the Alliance’s annual Taste Event
The results
The Impact video has found its home on the Alliance website and YouTube channel where it serves as a crucial communication tool.
The video was played in person at three different venues across the Chesapeake Bay watershed - Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
It was split into four unique shorts that highlight each individual program area. They are all used as tools to communicate work and secure grant funding.