Chesapeake Tales
The Chesapeake Bay Watershed stretches across six states and is home to over 19 million people. After watching our 2021 film, "A Journey Upstream," Fly Fishers International reached out and challenged us to take the journey further. We were tasked with the creation of an extensive campaign to display the beauty and diversity of the fisheries, landscapes, and communities across the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The goal was to spread the message through as many mediums as possible: video, film, print, and audio.
Learn about the Campaign
Spanning seven episodes, the Chesapeake Tales features some of the watershed's leading conservationists and fly-fishers. Whether you're interested in Trout Unlimited's work to protect, reconnect and restore Brook Trout habitat in the headwaters of West Virginia, the multi-governmental effort to improve the Anacostia River, America's most urban watershed, or one of the region's lesser-known native fish, the mighty and aggressive Bowfin, the Chesapeake Tales demonstrates the incredible range of people, fisheries and communities in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed!
“Chesapeake: A Love Letter to a Watershed,” is an official selection of the 2023 International Fly Fishing Film Festival where it has played at hundreds of theaters across the globe. The short film is also an official selection of the 2023 Annapolis Film Festival and the Chesapeake Film Festival and can be streamed through Outside TV.
The official podcast of Fly Fishers International explores the incredible people and places of the sport of fly-fishing. In Season I, we traveled across the varied landscapes of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Over the season's 20 episodes we had the chance to hear from some of the top guides, anglers and conservationists in the region. Whether you want to learn to target a new species, understand the massive effort underway to restore the Bay, or just hear from a wide and diverse range of experts, this season is for you!
The Winter 2022 edition of Flyfisher Magazine features several exciting articles from the Chesapeake Watershed Campaign. If you are interested in a behind-the-scenes look at how the films were made, a high-level view of the efforts of the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay to restore the watershed, learn how to target the native Bowfin on the fly, or learn about one of the watershed's leading fly patterns, take a look!
With a library over 100 still images that document our week-long journey throughout the watershed, we’ve been able to work with our partners to bring more attention to the beauty of the watershed with individual social media, web, and blog campaigns.
The short film played in 175 theaters throughout the united states and canada.
IF4™ is the world’s leading fly-fishing film event, consisting of coveted fly-fishing films produced by filmmakers from all corners of the globe and showcases the passion, lifestyle, and culture of fly fishing.