A heartwarming short documentary that highlights the story of full-time fly-fishing guide, Katie Fiedler Anderson. While the short film glows with themes of motherhood and family, the main goal is to show our viewers that whatever leap they may be deciding to take, if it's the right one, the pain, angst, and general ridiculousness will be worth the sweet trout tugging at the end of their line.
Learn about the film.
Katie Fiedler Anderson has been a fly fishing guide in Vail, Colorado for over a decade, but things started to change when she became pregnant with her daughter. The short film, “Phoenix”, tells a story of passion, as Katie and her husband take a leap of faith in order to inspire their 4-year-old daughter to chase her dreams no matter what the obstacle.
“Phoenix” is proudly presented by Costa Sunglasses and supported by Simms Outdoor Gear, Wise River Apparel, Cheeky Fishing, and Douglas Outdoors.
You can stream the film alongside the other selections for the Fly Fishing Film Tour through the new Outside + platform.
Film Sponsors
For the first installation of the series we had the privilege of interviewing the Braker Brothers about their new short film, “Phoenix”. Phoenix isn’t about some far-off destination or some exotic species. It’s a story that hits a little closer to home. It’s about Katie Fielder Anderson and her love for her daughter Phoenix, a passion for fly fishing, and her willingness to take a leap of faith in order to pursue her passion and inspire her daughter to one day do the same…